HEC Paris Welcomes New Professors
For the 2014-2015 intake, 15 new faculty members have joined HEC Paris. Trained in the best Ph.D programs, they come from different countries, and prestigious business schools (MIT, Wharton, McGill, Bocconi, etc…). This reflects the diversity of thought and culture, the open-mindedness and the rigorous intellectual standards promoted at HEC Paris. These new professors further enhance our courses and programs through their outstanding research work, in depth knowledge of management issues and original teaching materials. They also contribute to the progress of management practice through their interaction with the business world.

Accounting and Management Control department
Keith Robson holds a Ph.D in Financial Reporting from University of Manchester (1988). His research interests include performance measures and diffusion; socio-political studies of accounting regulation; the profession, professional firms and professionalization; management control in schools; auditing methodologies. He is an honorary professor at Cardiff Business School. He teaches cost accounting in the Grande Ecole and theories of management control (HEC doctoral program).
François LARMANDE (France)
François Larmande holds a Ph.D in Economics from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris (2003). His research focuses on fair value of share based payments (IFRS2), accounting conservatism and fair value, management, package in LBO, bonus banks, performance evaluation, bonus schemes for middle managers and executives, financial industry regulation.
Economics and Decision Science department
Eric MENGUS (France)
Eric Mengus is an engineering graduate from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris and received a Ph.D in Economics for Toulouse School of Economics in 2014. His research focuses on macroeconomics and international finance and he works on various topics such as sovereign debt, international capital flows or household insurance. He teaches courses in macroeconomics for and on economics applied to Europe in the Grande Ecole Program. He previously was a researcher for the Banque de France.
Finance department
Jean-Edouard Colliard (France)
Jean-Edouard Colliard obtained a Ph.D in 2012 from the Paris School of Economics and is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure - Ulm. His main research areas are the regulation of financial institutions and the microstructure of financial markets, including topics such as financial transactions taxes or the European Banking Union. In 2012 he published a paper in the Review of Financial Studies (joint with Thierry Foucault, HEC) on the role of trading fees in limit order markets. He teaches a course on Financial Regulation for students of the "Majeure Finance" and the MSc in International Finance. Before joining HEC, Jean-Edouard worked for two years as an economist in the Research department of the European Central Bank.
Hugues LANGLOIS (Canada)
Hugues Langlois obtained his Ph.D in Finance from McGill University in 2014. His main area of research is asset pricing, with a focus on portfolio management, international finance, and credit risk. His work has been published in the Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis. During his graduate studies, he taught investment management in the undergraduate program. He also worked for more than five years as a portfolio manager at a financial institution in Canada.
Management and Human Resources department
Roxana BARBULESCU (Roumania)
Roxana Barbulescu received her Ph.D in Management from INSEAD in 2008. Her research focuses on the mechanisms underlying the career trajectories of managerial and professional workers. In a series of papers published in Organization Science and Academy of Management Review she has examined how gender, professional identity, and social networks facilitate or constrain job mobility. Her latest publication, entitled “I used to work at Goldman Sachs! How firms benefit from organizational status in the market for human capital” and forthcoming in Strategic Management Journal, focuses on the role of employer status for mobility outcomes. She is winner or finalist for best paper prizes from the Academy of Management and Strategic Management Society conferences. At HEC Paris, her teaching responsibilities include the Advanced Management in Global Enterprises specialization course in the MBA program and the Leading Organizations course in the Grande Ecole program.
Strategy and Business Policy department
Olivier Chatain (France)
Olivier Chatain received his Ph.D from INSEAD in 2007. His main research focus is the formal and value-based foundations of strategy with specific applications to buyer-supplier relationships and markets for strategic resources. His latest publication "How Do Strategic Factor Markets Respond to Rivalry in the Product Market?", forthcoming at Strategic Management Journal , examines how rivalry in the product market shapes competitive interactions and supply in the market for strategic resources. At HEC Paris, Olivier teaches competitive strategy to MBA, MSc and Ph.D students.
Tax & Law department
David Restrepo-Amariles received his Ph.D in law from the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 2013. He is a qualified lawyer to the Colombian Bar. He has clerked at the regional judiciary, practiced in the field of commercial law, and provided legal advice in UN human rights programs and the negotiation of free trade agreements. He is former director of the working group ‘European Union-Colombia Trade Relations’. His works rely on socio-legal and quantitative research methods to study new instruments of regulation of transnational trade, commerce and investment. In particular, he investigates the rise of commercial and investment arbitration, the evolution of international contracts and the emergence of transnational legal indicators.
Matteo M. WINKLER (Italia)
Matteo M. WINKLER graduated in 2001 from the Catholic University of Milan, Italy, with a Ph.D dissertation on the international regime of electronic commerce. He then worked as a lawyer and was admitted to the Bar of Milan in 2006. At the same time, he pursued an academic career with several publications in Italian, English and French, and with going in depth with various fields of international law, taking a Ph.D. in International Law & Economics from Bocconi University in 2007. Matteo’s research interests span from public international law to conflict of laws, including dispute resolution, trade law, Internet law and family law. He focused, through a significant number of publications, on international human rights, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) issues and international commercial arbitration.
Marketing department
Daniel HALBHEER (Switzerland)
Daniel Halbheer holds a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Zurich (Switzerland) in 2006. In his research, he focuses on developing analytical models to understand the impact of behavioral biases of managers and consumers on firms' price and quality decisions, and on their performance. He taught various courses in business strategy, managerial economics, and game theory to both graduate and undergraduate students. Prior to joining HEC in 2014, Daniel taught at the University of St. Gallen and the University of Zurich.
Cathy Liu YANG (China)
Cathy (Liu) Yang holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and Master in Operations Research from Columbia University (USA) in 2014. Her dissertation investigated the impact of incentives on consumer's information processing behaviors and preferences. Her research interest broadly lies in preference measurement and social networks. Cathy is currently a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).
Operations Management & Information Technology department
Xitong LI (China)
Xitong Li holds a Ph.D in Management (specialized in Information Technologies) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA and a Ph.D in Engineering from Tsinghua University, China. His research interests include how to use online data/information and the identification of causal impacts of using online data/information or social media. Specifically, he has two research streams. One is to use applied econometric (mainly reduced-form) methods for causal inference, and the other is to develop Web technologies and software systems for efficiently using online data/services.
The research faculty is reinforced by affiliate professors who share their academic and professional expertise with HEC Paris students and program participants. Three new professors also joined the affiliate faculty.
Pascale Defline
Pascale Defline is professor of accounting with 10-year experience in teaching in higher education. She holds a doctorate in management science from the CNAM-Paris (2011). She teaches accounting in the Grande Ecole Program. Her expertise focuses on financial return and investment in public and private sector.
Michel Fender
Michel Fender is senior advisor in supply chain management and his the co-founder and partner of Log-in Future from 2011. He holds a doctorate in economics, management and social sciences of Ecole des Ponts Paris Tech (1996). He is also an engineer in agronomy.
Ferdinand Petra
Ferdinand Petra is the Founder of www.ib-interview.com. He has 10-year experience in consulting in Investment Banking/Corporate Finance: M&A, Financing, Client Coverage. He is graduated from HEI Engineering school from Lille, France. He holds a MBA from HEC Paris. He is also a member of the French ThinkTank: Centre d’Etude et de Perspective Stratégique.